Comprehensive Bone Grafting Solutions in Charlotte, NC

At Brady & Tiller Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Charlotte, NC, Dr. Erron Brady and Dr. Marisol Tiller are committed to providing innovative dental solutions to enhance smiles and restore oral health. Bone grafting is a crucial procedure that facilitates successful dental implant placement and promotes long-term stability. Let’s delve into why bone grafting is necessary and the various types available.

Why Bone Grafting is Done:

  • Facilitating Dental Implant Placement: Bone grafting becomes necessary when a patient lacks sufficient bone mass in the jaw to support a dental implant. By augmenting the existing bone structure through grafting, implants can be securely anchored, ensuring stability and longevity.
  • Preserving Facial Structure: Tooth loss often results in bone resorption, leading to changes in facial appearance and compromised oral function. Bone grafting helps preserve bone density and facial contours, preventing the sunken look associated with untreated tooth loss.

Types of Bone Grafting:

  • Autogenous Grafts: Autogenous bone grafts involve using bone tissue harvested from the patient’s own body, typically from the hip, jaw, or tibia. This type of grafting offers excellent compatibility and promotes natural bone regeneration.
  • Allografts: Allografts utilize bone tissue sourced from a donor, either human or animal, processed to remove cells and minimize the risk of rejection. Allografts are a versatile and readily available option for patients requiring bone augmentation.
  • Xenografts: Xenografts involve using bone graft material derived from non-human sources, often bovine or porcine sources. These grafts provide a scaffold for new bone growth and gradually resorb as the patient’s bone regenerates.

Bone grafting is a vital procedure that plays a key role in restoring oral health and enabling successful dental implant placement. At Brady & Tiller Family and Cosmetic Dentistry in Charlotte, NC, our experienced team, led by Dr. Erron Brady and Dr. Marisol Tiller, offers comprehensive bone grafting solutions to help patients achieve their desired smiles. Contact us at (704) 321-0414 to schedule a consultation and learn more about our 0% financing options for dental procedures.